Hrushikesh Kachgunde

Hi, I am a Machine learning enthusiast currently deep diving into Neural Networks (ANNs) and CNNs, soon will move into RNNs, NLPs and sequence models. I also have a basic understanding of Tensorflow and wish to make more progress into it.

Projects Know more

About Me

Hi, I am a Machine learning engineer and a data scientist with hands on experience with popular Machine Learning libraries like, Tensorflow and Sci-kit learn. I have worked on around 30+ big ML and data science projects with great results for ML models.


I have a coding experience of 1 year+. My experience is not just limited to the projects I have done, but also, to the internships I have done with potential organizations of value.


Have hands on training experience with Tensorflow and Sci-kit learn. Have a good command on pandas, numpy and matplotlib. Can work with any work space VS code, pycharm, jupter or colab.

Fields Explored

I have worked a lot with regression models and CNNs. Have a basic understanding of NLP's and currently focussing on Neural style transfer to enhance the computer generated art.

Model Deployment

I have worked with AWS cloud and still I keep reading about it. I can deploy ML Models to the web easily both with static as well as dynamic site generators. Can also use streamlit for deployment.

my Projects

Technologies I Know



6 months+ exp

Sci-kit Learn

8 months+ exp


3 months+ exp


1 year+ exp


Awesome python programmer, enjoyed working with him highly dedicated towards his work and surely reliable with task completions. Would love to collaborate again with a new task. Craig Hicks
Had fun working with you, to the point approaches but, continuos long hours of coding on same bug makes you slower the process, but a high chance to come with a solution makes things good. Irma Berry
Polite behaviour and eagerness to learn new things makes this boy stand out. Bad at saying no to people and always getting stuck with extra tasks is a common day in his life. Trusting his skills might be a reason :). Gary Ferguson

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